Thursday, February 28, 2013

On a Colorado Note: The Thursday Files: For the Foodie Lover in You

This weeks Thursday files is going to highlight Denver Restaurant Week which is happening.. now!

Other than body products and photography, I love an amazing meal. Love cooking.. love living downtown and having access to fantastic restaurants even more.

A dish from a restaurant my husband and I went to for my birthday. Let the crowd say Amen and Mmm Mmm Mmm.

Year number one in Downtown Denver saw our refrigerator with not much more than ice cubes, arugula, and cheese. There was a lot of eating out going on.. as well as broke Lundy household due to going out all the time. It's year three and we've regulated our foodie habit.

Studied the list of participating restaurants like a night before an SATs exam (not really) and still not sure which places we'll try. More than likely not the standard favorites, something new. It's a wonderful opportunity to delight in lots of different menu options. A couple eats for $52.80 (the amount of miles Denver is above sea level.. clever, eh?)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go create a new sugar scrub that's been heavy on my mind.. more than which restaurant we'll choose first. Imagine that?!? Ciao for now.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Lundy Project in Effect: I'm Going In.. and Coming Out Smelling Lovely

Had to escape into the lab a.k.a my kitchen and get cooking, with product. 

I spent bedtime this weekend tossing and turning as ideas flooded my brain with new soaps, sugar scrubs and custards. It was great.. but terrible. I would debate with myself whether or not I should get up and write my idea down, or keep my fingers crossed that I'd remember it in the morning. Well, getting up to write it down won every time!

Over at 303 Dolls Face + Body, the newest addition is Lily of the Custard Perfume, a silky, floral scented mixture made to keep skin silky, and delightfully fragrant. Can also be used as a solid hair perfume.

New to Sexy Earth Chicque is Roll in the Grass Body Dew. A delightful, fresh cut grass scented body pomade. Warm in the palm of your hands, and lavish your body with dew! 

More to come.. this dolls on a roll:)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

On a Colorado Note: The Thursday Files: Snowy Days.. Keeping the Warmth Away..

It's Thursday!!

I must write about one of the main (and favorite) reasons people may move to Colorado: THE SNOW!!  

A storm came through our state, dumping a pretty decent amount of snow everywhere. Living in the heart of the city, we tend not to get as much powder as the 'burbs, so when we get an amount larger than a trace.. it's pretty nice.

 The photographer in me loves to capture the city covered with snow. Originally, my husband and I had planned to awaken bright and early and get shots of the fresh.. untouched powder. Well.. when you go to bed at 2 a.m.. it's a little difficult to awaken at 5 a.m bright eyed and bushy tailed with a Canon in your hand, lol! Made our way outside at the break of NOON. The snow was already melting:( but the flurries flying about and the cold temps made it all very winter beautiful. This is a shot from the building across from our lofts.

 Last weekend, my husband got me a new tripod which I didn't happen to take with me while shooting today. Why? Well.. I am a clumsy kinda girl.. there is snow and ice on the ground.. the two just don't mix. Took the monopod and kept it moving. This was a shot where I was quite happy that it was photo~bombed.. having people in this shot made it a little more awesome:) I'm sure my husband will pat me on the back for adding the "human aspect" to the photo.. and this is why..

I LOVE getting shots of dead tree limbs!! Drives my husband batty!!

There was a time when I'd get the tightest of tight shot because I did not want any people in the shot. Thank goodness for growth, and my husband. Both helped me get past that mindset. There is indeed beauty in everything, and this Thursday was a beautiful day to capture some of the beauty that Mother Earth has to offer.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

On a Colorado Note: The Thursday Files (on Sunday) because Thursday was for Lovers ~swoon~

That handsome man is the reason there was no "Thursday Files" on Thursday. That is my husband. Of course, Thursday was Valentines Day, but it was also our first wedding anniversary.

I surprised him with a lovely dinner at Ocean Prime.. got him good too! He was so happy, which made my heart smile. Our waiter Luca took this photo of us. The day was snowy.. but our love was on fire! ;) Now.. for what this darling man got his wife for our first anniversary..

yes.. I know.. my own star!! How awesome.. who does that!! My husband does!! What a guy, what a gift. When I first opened it and saw Feb. 14. 2012, I said.. "oh no baby.. the date is wrong!" He calmed my nerves  by telling me it was for the day we got married, lol. So, the star is named "Unconditional Love of Marci." I know, if I hadn't cried already, I'd be soaking the keyboard now. I am SO lucky. He is, in every way, shape, and form, my dream come true.

THAT is our first picture together, December of 2009. Gawd, I was such a little tart. Hah! I would never take a photo like this now.. but back then, our "luh" was all fresh new, and ignorant. Now its seasoned, slightly refined, and somewhat ignorant. No.. but seriously, I was quite a handful back then. I thank God that Tucker stuck with me. I had a lot of growing up that I still needed to do. I'm so glad that no matter what, he always saw my heart. His patience allowed me to blossom, and grow.. and I love him so much.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

This Girls (Shelf) Life

I chuckled a bit as I looked at the shelves in the bathroom this morning. Half uniform/ half science lab.

I have a "smorgasbord" of items here. My products dominate, and then there are a few that I have purchased. I find myself often snarling at those.

You see, eventually I plan to have perfumes, nail color and tube lipstick in the 303 Dolls family as well.. just a matter of time. There will come a day when Sephora will only see me when I'm there for marketing meetings.. (hey.. I'm a believer of "putting it out there in the universe!") It can SO happen!

For now, the process of "commercial product elimination" happily continues:)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

On a Colorado Note: The Thursday Files: We Are One

Each Thursday, I take time to write about something wonderful that happened in Colorado that I was either involved in, or just a great event that took place here.

September 11th of each year, Denver has a 9.11 memorial at Civic Center Park. This was the second year that my husband and I attended the ceremony.

Mayor Hancock, Governor Hickenlooper, and John Elway all spoke very eloquently at the ceremony, which was very touching. As a photographer, I was connected to the moment, but also looking for images that spoke volumes. At times I don't feel the emotion of the moment as I get the shot, but there was one particular image where the emotion was not only evident, but heartfelt.

Never Forget.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Hold Up: Waiiiiit:) 303 Dolls: The Next Episode

Being a female business owner is hands down one of the most wonderful, empowering, and fulfilling experiences in life. It's all about nurturing, fine tuning, feedback, and expansion. I believe in my products 100%.. the sky is the limit for 303 Dolls, and naturally I must proceed to the next episode.. retail marketing.

Here is a shot of one of the products I sold at my first Craft Fair.. which went better than I could have ever imagined. The hand written, cozy feel is SO ideal for my Etsy shop and Craft Fairs. Fortunately, I've been given the blessing of 303 Dolls having an opportunity to be sold in stores, and it is thrilling, to say the least. The next episode is a magnificent new chapter. Having the versatility to keep my Etsy site and Craft Fair products wholesome  and my retail products high end.. MERCY! I love it! Farmers Market meets White House Black Market.

Through the creative process, I've often wanted to make adjustments, half formal.. all formal.. more crafty.. always original. As my business grows, the most important thing for me is that it always "reek" of Marci. In other words, it never gets to a point where it no longer looks as though I had a part in creating it. Blood, sweat and tears is worth it to me. Continuing to be active in each and every part of 303 Dolls and Sexy Earth Chicque until its just too much.. and when it gets to be too much.. I'll be proud, because it will have gone even BEYOND my wildest dreams.