Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thou Shalt put the "I Can Do That Better" Sentence on Ice.

Now.. I can do A LOT.. and I'm always ready to learn something new.. but when I started making products I became very haughty, if you will. In other words, I had no interest in buying anything else ever in life because hey, I could totally make that myself.

Well, it's four years later and I'm in a comfortable place where I can admit that I am not the be all and end all, lmao. Our house is full of my products... but I had to get to a point where I realized that other companies still made stuff that I enjoy as well, such as the hand soaps at Bath and Body Works, numerous high end perfumes.. and most anything from Sephora.

That being said, I really want to promote Anderson Soap Company, which is on Etsy. His products are "amaze." What triggered this blog was me pulling out some of Anderson's red apple whipped soap, and scoffing because I have yet to master whipped soap.. but that's okay, because there's enough room in this world for everyone.. and all product makers can co exist happily ever after.. or so I keep telling myself.. 😀

This is the Zen Den.

That's right, kiss my feet, I totally just re-invented your product.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

City Girl Sleuth

All women possess an inner spy.. I was practicing fine tuning mine here.. #funstuff