You've heard of stay-cation..

there's also a mentally away-cation. No, not really.. I totally just made that shit up.
However, sometimes you just need to close the blinds in your mind for a bit and re-group. That's what I did, and it was SO fab.
That's a picture of my lova boy and I at the park, about to smoke a cigar about ten steps above a stogie.. good stuff.
Did quite a bit of Spring cleaning as well. Our loft looks amazeballs (shout out to my Jake for introducing me to that word) and after months + months of my husband saying if I organized the shelves I'd have more than enough room for my supplies, I finally did it.. ("exhibit A.." above the writing) and it's working out wonderfully. I've been doing quite a bit of mental organization and prep for my Craft Fair at the end of the month. SO looking forward to that!
Alas.. we are finally members of the Denver Botanic Gardens. I signed us up last weekend. I la la LOVE that place. Above you see one of the shots that I took while we were there on Saturday.. I also smuggled in a bit of Moscato. It was so good that I died, came back to life, and went on to polish off most of the bottle myself.
I also created the new logo for 303 Dolls Face+Body, as well as launched the website.. which is pretty bad ass, if I don't mind going ahead and brushing my shoulders off (as Jay-Z would say!) In all seriousness, I'm very proud of it.
My husband is doing crazy amazing things, he continues to impress me with each passing day, plus I'm hot for him, so it's all just a beautiful thing. :-)
In closing, I was MIA but I was still on the grind. Just had to step away and.. exhale.
Everything's just lovely dahhhlings.