It is 1:24 a.m mountain time and I'm focused.. like a boss.

My Craft Fair is Saturday, and I'm not the girl who likes to have everything ready two weeks ahead of time. I get a sort of thrill out of "crunch time." I'm looking at my cat sprawled out across the rocking chair, my husband is in a deep sleep as the t.v. watches him.. and I'm busy making price tag labels and cracking up at the Kevin Smith: Too Fat for 40 that Stewart turned on about two hours ago.
Everything is looking and smelling wonderful. More exciting than the process of your thoughts as they dream up a product, is the process of making and packaging it. My fuel is thoughts of customers excited about their purchase, the opportunity to explain my reason behind creating it.. it's all so rewarding.
So, it's 1:30 a.m.. and I think it's time to call it a night.. even though it's actually morning.
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