"It was only a matter of time.." I thought to myself as I gathered a modest selection of fragrant dried herbs to chop/cut and place into my tea strainer for the first go 'round at Subtle Tea, the newest addition to the 303 family, which is a part of an also new addition to 303 f+b, 303 Home.
I learned to delight in tea from my mother, who would delight in it each day, at any given time of the day. Other than it being a flavorful, uplifting experience, tea also kept us exceptionally healthy. As a teen I began to enjoy tea with my mom, and in all honesty I never remember being ill. Sick days from school came because I simply didn't feel like going to school that day. I remember giggling when it was about 30 minutes past the time I should have been up and ready for school when my mother would knock on my bedroom door and say, "Why are you not getting ready for school yet, Mon?" (Nickname) Barely being able to say it with a straight face I'd reply, "My head hurts.." or any given fabrication. She knew darn well I was fine.. and with all of the tea that we enjoyed, illness was pretty much a non issue.
The picture above is one of my average "cuppas," usually filled with any given sumptuous tea. Over the last year and a half I have started to delight in loose leaf tea. It's a ritual that is so pleasant and calming.. inhaling various herbs in anticipation of the instant calm that is brought along by sipping while working, or enjoying your current read.
I've been making a body tea for some time now, so there is no shortage of herbs in the loft. One morning I decided to get a few herbs that I thought might make a tasty medley, while being smooth and calming and viola! It was almost like second nature. The tea was wonderful, if I do say so myself. I've had years of practice, if you will, meaning that I know what I enjoy when it comes to tea, I know what universally makes a great tea, and also, perhaps most importantly, I know what the herbs that are within a tea can do for your overall health.
.. and 303 Subtle Tea was born.
I now wrap up this entry with a sip from my cuppa.
Same cup as I had in the first photo from four years ago, only this isn't a tazo tea that I've delighted in for years from Starbucks, this time, the tea is my own.
This is the Zen Den.
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