Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Me Spa

My husband and I live downtown. Heart of the city. Having a car is a liability!

I'm totes chill with that though. I mean, I love walking.. hell, my maiden name is Walker.. the writings on the wall. I really do enjoy walking, but I am guilty of not always having the right shoes on. Walking half a mile to My Favorite Muffin in Guess Boots that are a half size too big (but "you" (me) got them because "you" (I) could not leave the store without them) not such a great idea. Sooo, this evening I gave my toesies the VIP treatment with 303 Dolls Passion Petals and Pearls Bath Salts.. which make an aMAHzing foot soak. Spent an hour with warm bubbly water that had the lovely scent of roses. It was so NOT torture :-) My feet are silky smooth and loving me once again.. now about those boots.....

After I finished towel drying my toesies, I made my nummy tea, and nearly slid across the floor because I'd slathered my toes with my crystal rose salve. Now that my friends, would have been just plain unfortunate and slightly hilarious (to my husband only) and I probably would have stabbed him with a piece of the broken cup.. if it had broken.. but it didn't.. and lol.. I would not do that to him.

If you'll excuse me I have a spot of tea to sip and an Allure I need to bury my head in. Ciao!

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