Sunday, February 17, 2013

On a Colorado Note: The Thursday Files (on Sunday) because Thursday was for Lovers ~swoon~

That handsome man is the reason there was no "Thursday Files" on Thursday. That is my husband. Of course, Thursday was Valentines Day, but it was also our first wedding anniversary.

I surprised him with a lovely dinner at Ocean Prime.. got him good too! He was so happy, which made my heart smile. Our waiter Luca took this photo of us. The day was snowy.. but our love was on fire! ;) Now.. for what this darling man got his wife for our first anniversary..

yes.. I know.. my own star!! How awesome.. who does that!! My husband does!! What a guy, what a gift. When I first opened it and saw Feb. 14. 2012, I said.. "oh no baby.. the date is wrong!" He calmed my nerves  by telling me it was for the day we got married, lol. So, the star is named "Unconditional Love of Marci." I know, if I hadn't cried already, I'd be soaking the keyboard now. I am SO lucky. He is, in every way, shape, and form, my dream come true.

THAT is our first picture together, December of 2009. Gawd, I was such a little tart. Hah! I would never take a photo like this now.. but back then, our "luh" was all fresh new, and ignorant. Now its seasoned, slightly refined, and somewhat ignorant. No.. but seriously, I was quite a handful back then. I thank God that Tucker stuck with me. I had a lot of growing up that I still needed to do. I'm so glad that no matter what, he always saw my heart. His patience allowed me to blossom, and grow.. and I love him so much.

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